35 Selegie Road #04-01, Parklane Shopping Mall, Singapore 188307 | TEL : +65 6338 4890 | FAX : +65 6338 4870 | EMAIL : cccsl@singnet.com.sg

Look out for the Special Loan Packages offered by our Co-operative Society
during the Festive Seasons and Holiday Get-Aways with your family.
For more details, contact our Co-op Society Clerk, Mdm Zaiton @ 6338 4890


AGM 2024
> Notice & Application of Scholarship Award 2024
(Latest date for receiving application extended to 28/05/2024)

> Covering Letter to Members - AGM 2024
> Letter to Members - Calling for Nomination to Stand for Election
> Notice to Members - AGM 2024
> Form - Nomination of Director 2024
> Nomination Form - Election -AGM 2024
> Audited Financial Statement for Year Ending 31 Dec 2023
> Minutes of AGM 2023 held on 10 June 2023
> Board of Directors Annual Report for Year Ending 31 Dec 2023
> Appropriation of Profit 2023 – AGM 2024
> Copy of Estimated Expenditure 23-24
> CCCS Investment Plan (Jun 2024)(rcs) To be presented at AGM 2024
> Resolutions by Board of Directors - AGM 2024
> AGM 2024 Presentation





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