35 Selegie Road #04-01, Parklane Shopping Mall, Singapore 188307 | TEL : +65 6338 4890 | FAX : +65 6338 4870 | EMAIL : cccsl@singnet.com.sg
About Us
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Customs Credit Co-operative Society (S) Ltd is one of the oldest co-operative societies to be registered in Singapore.  Most of our members are staff of former Customs & Excise Department. The Customs Co-operative founded on 12 April 1932 had grown in size and strength. We are basically a family Co-operative, a Non-Profit Financial Institution different from banks & finance companies. We are different because we care and are sympathetic to your financial needs, encouraging thrift amongst its members, provide a number of services and benefits to its members, such as, loan facilities tailored to members’ needs and provide grant for scholarship, travel, hospitalization and retirement.  Our Motto is to serve members with listening hear and be flexible in our dealings for financial help.


Aspiring to build a strong and viable Co-operative unified by a common aspiration to promote thrift and mutual assistance through programs & services to members


To increase economic opportunities and benefits for members by fostering the growth and success of all types of Co-operative enterprises and investments

Core values

Promoting thrift and mutual help and financial assistance to members


  1. To promote the economic interest of its members;
  2. To encourage thrift, Co-operation, self-help and mutual assistance among its members
  3. To undertake Co-operative ventures and projects for the benefit of members subject to the approval of the registrar and members of the society
  4. To promote greater awareness and consciousness of a progressive and improved lifestyle among members of the customs service .
  5. To do such other things or provide such facilities or services as may be necessary, incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.
  6. To enter into contracts with members and non-members for the purchase, produce, manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, packing, transportation, display, distribution or sale of consumer goods and services and to arrange for registration, grant or use of any trade mark, patent right, license or permit in relation thereto;
  7. To appoint or act as a representative or agent for the purpose carrying on with the business of the Society;
  8. To raise funds by obtaining loans and deposits from members and non-members subject to the Act and the By-laws;
  9. To purchase, lease, rent, hold, hire, develop, mortgage, sell or otherwise, acquire, deal with or dispose of such movable or immovable properties or any portion thereof as may be required for use as shops, offices or for any other purposes of the society for the conduct of its business and the welfare of the co-operative movement, with the prior approval of the Registrar;
  10. To frame administrative policies and rules and such other regulations as may be required for the proper conduct of the Society’s business.
  11. To do all other things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the Society subject to the prior approval of the Registrar.





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